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3 Powerful Ways You Can Overcome Toxic Beauty Standards and Embrace Your True Beauty In Christ

Beauty standards have been around us for centuries. In each era, we are constantly pushed with the newest product or procedure to help you "fix" your body. Who said there was anything wrong with it? With the constant social media imagery, advertising, and celebrity culture, it's easy to feel like God made a mistake with your body. In this post, we'll explore three powerful ways you can overcome toxic beauty standards and embrace your true beauty in Christ.

But first, if you're looking for support with healing body shame, we created a free email series with 4 actionable steps you can implement this week. Join us if you'd like!

a woman covering her face with her hands
4 Steps to Heal Body Shame

What are Toxic Beauty Standards?

Toxic beauty standards are unrealistic and harmful beauty ideals that we see advertised in media and society. Studies show that the effects of toxic beauty standards have caused extreme dieting, eating disorders, declines in mental health, and even breakdowns in relationships.

They show up in many different aspects such as culture, race, business, and even religious spaces. Some that you may be familiar with are:

  • Size 2 and 5'8" model requirements in the fashion industry

  • The glorification of thinner waists and bigger butts in the Black and Hispanic cultures

  • Emphasis on larger boobs for blondes and White women

  • Popularity of the hourglass shape

And these are just a few we may all be familiar with throughout our lifetime that are still being glamourized today in music, media, and advertising.

How did they form?

Some have formed based on business needs, such as the modeling industry. Most fashion designers prefer thin and taller women to model their clothing. Another example would be the adult entertainment industry requiring certain body types for adult films. Some toxic beauty standards are formed by the wide promotion of common preferences and opinions like that of black women having larger bottoms and this being heavily promoted through music.

Although this is a common thing in our society, how can you overcome toxic beauty and embrace the woman God made you to be?

  1. Cut it Off

    The Bible tells us in Matthew 18:9, "And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell." This verse isn't saying to cut out your eye for real but to remove the source of temptation. If toxic beauty standards tempt you to be insecure, jealous, envious, or hateful towards anyone, it's time to remove them from your eyesight. What does this look like? Unfollowing, unsubscribing, restricting, or throwing the whole social media away! I had a client who had to do this. She deleted her old Instagram account to start a new one without following anyone. It was necessary so she could focus on what God was doing in her life and no one else's.

  2. Repent and Expose the Lies

    After you have removed the source of your temptation, prepare your mind to be renewed by repenting to God for any negative behaviors you've picked up along the way. This looks like asking God to forgive you for any jealousy, envy, hatred, or comparison that has poisoned your relationship with God, yourself, and your neighbors. Take note of the lies you've believed that caused you to deviate from God's plans. Lies like, "I'm not good enough without this. No one likes me when I look like that. I need to change this body part so I can feel better. Why did God make me like this?"

  3. You Must Renew Your Mind

    I talk a lot about mindset because renewing your mind is the most important step. After you've cut off your source of temptation, you've exposed the lies of the enemy, you now have room to change your mind. The beautiful thing about repentance is God gives you a clean slate to start fresh. Take the lies of the enemy and seek God's truth to replace them. Meditate consistently on His truths about your body, study them, and make His word your daily bread. There won't be any room for lies when God's truth is your daily nutrition.

Do Not Be Conformed Any Longer

My favorite scripture Romans 12:2 in the Amplified Version reads, "And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you]."

Do not copy these superficial, toxic beauty standards. But focus on changing your mind and maturing spiritually so that you know God's will. When you know His will, you will be transformed into the beautiful woman He designed you to become.

Need more support? You should join our free email series, Heal Body Shame. You will get 4 short videos under 3 minutes diving deeper into this method.

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