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Christian Body Image

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Become Godfident and Discover True Beauty in Christ

Know Jesus

Start a personal relationship

with Jesus

Grow in Christ

Start Growing In Christ

Join our 6-week online discipleship course to grow deeper in Christ. 

You're Created In His Image

Take our free self-paced course that will teach you what it means to be created in the image of God. 

evangelism cards for women

Share The Good News

Share the Good News of Jesus Christ by reminding a young woman that she is created in His image. 

Good News

Learn 4 Steps to Healing Body Shame

Thanks for joining!

Heal Body Image & Self-Esteem

Work on healing your body image issues and low self-esteem with biblical wisdom and teaching. 


Read our blog for biblical wisdom and teaching to overcome body image and self-esteem issues. 


Listen to our podcast as we talk about how media, culture, and society affect body image and self-perception. 


Check out all of our e-guides and courses to help you heal your body image and self-esteem issues. 

Our App

Download our app to take courses, read blogs, and connect in the community on your phone. 


My name is Jasmine C. Garner

I'm a Dual-Certified Body Image and Self-Esteem Coach. I launched the Modest Movement Ministry in 2017 to teach young women about the importance of modesty. I later launched Christian Body Image as an evangelism and discipleship tool to remind women that they're created in the image of God and are called to conform to the perfect image of Christ. 


There are women from all walks of life who struggle with their body image and self-worth. I believe if we return to God's truth, our Creator, we can find deep healing and lasting peace when it comes to our physical and personal identity. 


I desire that you come to know Jesus Christ in a personal relationship and allow Him to heal your wounds and show you His love. 


You can find more information on our parent website, Modest Movement Ministry. 

  • Modest Movement Youtube Channel
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Jasmine C. Garner body image and self-esteem coach

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