Christian Body Image Coaching Program
We are on a mission to help Christian women detox from the world's standard of beauty and coach them toward living by God's design for their life and body. Our coaching program is an extension of our free course, In His Image, designed to go more in-depth into the topics covered to help you achieve "Godfidence" and a plan for pursuing your divine destiny.
This is for you if:
You're tired of fitting in to society's standards of beauty & want to be content with who you are & how God made you
You're exhausted with allowing other's opinions of you to change how you feel
You're tired of living for the applause of others while neglecting God's will for your life
You want to embrace modesty but you still have that HOT GIRL in you 🤪
Our Coaching Method
Our coaching method is first biblical and practical with a holistic approach to help you achieve a positive body image and healthy self-esteem. Biblical means we use the word of God as a foundation, and holistic means we review different aspects of your life as a whole: mental, physical, social, and spiritual.
In His Image Coaching Package
Join me for 16 weeks (4 months) of coaching on specific areas you're struggling with in body image and self-esteem. These coaching sessions are highly targeted on specific things you're facing now and I will give you practical methods to overcome your mental battles.
This is for you if:
you can't seem to get over your poor mentality about your body and self-worth
you're having trouble meeting your goals and expectations
you were previously diagnosed and treated for Body Dysmorphic Disorder and need help maintaining healthy habits
you want to grow into God's will for who you are and what you're here to do
you've been a people-pleaser all your life
you struggle to get over those "hot girl summers", and God is calling you to modesty
Recommended for ages 16 - 45.
Coaching Topics
Your mindset and beliefs about who you are and your relationship with God
Your social environment and influences including media consumption
Your physical regimes: eating, exercise, expressions
Your self-esteem and personal values
Your divine calling & developing an action plan to start walking in it
Coaching Structure
We will conduct our sessions via phone or video
Sessions are once a week on the day and time that works for both of us
You will guide each session based on your present needs and together we will set goals & a course of action
There will be 'progress work' to study and complete before the next session.
More Info
Timeline: These programs are a commitment of 3 - 6 months with 1 session scheduled each week
Style: These are 1 on 1 sessions and can also be done with a parent
Extras: There will be 'Progress work' to complete between sessions
Payment: Payment plans are available!
Minors: If you are 17 and younger, we require your parent to be available to speak during your free consultation.
Disclaimer: Body Image Coaches are not authorized to treat mental illnesses like body dysmorphic disorder, eating disorders, depression, and the like. You are welcome to have both a coach and a counselor. If you think you have a mental illness and you're seeking help, please refer to a mental health professional. If you are considering suicide, please call 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Prevention Hotline.