You were made to be BOLD & BEAUTIFUL, but insecurity won't allow it. Instead of being confident in your skin and identity, you're fearful, lack boundaries, and often avoid confrontation. Maybe you hide your flaws so no one will notice or maybe you show off your body to compensate for the things you're ashamed of. Regardless of where you find yourself today, God cares and He can heal you. How would overcoming insecurity change your life? Imagine yourself finally speaking up for YOU. Imagine yourself looking in the mirror with love and acceptance. Imagine you had the confidence to be yourself without any filters. What if the things that triggered your insecurities didn't affect you anymore? Imagine that you didn't care about their opinions and you felt free to pursue God's will for your life. That is what overcoming insecurities and fear of opinions can do for you. The longer these things are unaddressed, the further you get from your purpose and God's calling. This course will show you how to overcome insecurity about your body, self-image, and your identity so you can become the woman God desires. You will learn: - where insecurity comes from and how to break up with it - how to overcome your fear of people and their opinions - what insecurity reveals about your needs and desires - my practical tool to help you take control of your thoughts Plus BONUS content: - how dressing sexy doesn't boost confidence - our guide with practical tools to silence opinions now - quizzes and homework to help you apply what you learn - and MORE! Worth 2 months of coaching but you get this content for one small price! *no refunds are granted on digital products.
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